It's not often that I think about things like this... but today my cat curled up under my arm as I sit at the computer. Sit at.
Really I'm not sitting at my computer, I'm stretched out on my futon with my cat tucked under my arm and my computer in my lap.
Anyways, I started to think about this:
She was 12 weeks old when I got her. Her life had just begun and I took her and she became mine.
Of course now she's a giant 17 lb cat, but she's mine.
She likes to snuggle, but only with me. She likes to play but she really only plays with me.
She misses me when I'm gone.
Most people don't think cats really care.
But for some reason mine does. When I leave to go to Mexico for a week or so Amber misses me like no other.
When I come back I can't get rid of her. I can't even go to the bathroom by myself because that is seen as abandonment by her constant-state-of-kitten mind.
I feel so terrible leaving her, but sometimes I just need to see my dad.
I wonder sometimes if this is what having a child would be like. Minus the cute fuzzyness and warmth.
If a baby came with fur and pre-fed then maybe I'd consider having one. Unfortunately for babies I think they're all together disgusting, plus I don't trust baby humans that can't speak English. I don't speak CRYING BABY, and honestly I don't want to.
Motherhood is overrated anyways.
If you have a baby there's a chance that the man will leave, and who the heck wants to take that chance?
Certainly not me.
So I'll just stick to my pets.
At least they're grateful for the affection I give them.
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