Friday, October 15, 2010

If I had a cupcake...

People always seem to ask me that stupid question everyone dreads:
What are you going to do?

HUH? I don’t even have a degree yet! I don’t even have a PLAN much less a degree! Asking me NOW what I’m going to do with it is completely irrelevant since I don’t even have it yet…

(I do actually have a degree plan, not that that means anything... I'm a Pre-Med Biology major... I guess that makes me intelligent?)

I just want to SIT AT HOME and surf the INTERNET 8D

I think this is how Cat feels. Cat is my pet cat. Her name isn’t really Cat. I wish it was though.
Anyways… what was I talking about?

Oh well… I really like cupcakes… I even have a whole book about cupcakes and how to make them.
THIS is my favorite cupcake!

I would like it very much if you’d send me one.

PS. I also rather enjoy bento boxes. I've never actually had one but I think I would like to have one...

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