Saturday, October 16, 2010

I don't understand.

There is something I don’t understand going on in the world right now.

Which… if I’m really honest, and most of you are honest as well… there are a lot of things that nobody understands going on in the world right now…

But my point is this: I don’t hate gay people. Gay/lesbian/bi/pan/transgender… whatever. But I’m also a Christian, and Republican AND heterosexual.

I rather resent the fact that some people from the GLBT community group all people together. I mean fighting hate with hate only creates more hate.

And grouping all people together into the same group always causes trouble…

I think everyone should be able to marry whomever they want, honestly. But again it doesn’t matter to me.

I mean it matters to me that people are so close minded that they would taunt other children until they committed suicide… there’s something sick going on there. That’s something you can’t really blame on anyone. Unless they were really twisted I doubt most parents would want their children to drive other children to end their own lives.

I mean honestly I understand that it might go against your beliefs. And that’s fine that you have your own beliefs. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re right, after all, and isn’t the whole basis of Christianity not judging your fellow man? It’s not a human’s place to judge.

As long as you are a good person, who you love doesn’t matter to God.

Because souls transcend the confines of human society. Soul mates come in all shapes and sizes, all races and creeds… and all sexual preferences.

Socialization doesn’t affect your soul or your biological make-up.

So I leave you with this…

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