Sunday, November 7, 2010


Some people are self motivated.

I, on the other hand, am not motivated by anyone or anything. It's rather odd.

Sometimes I can sit down and do anything I need to, and sometimes I push whatever it is off so long it becomes a problem.

Like right now. I have absolutely no motivation to write this post. In fact I've been typing one word per 30 minutes since I woke up. I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with me today.

That first part I'm pretty sure I wrote at about 2 PM central time. I'm writing this at 8 PM central time, that shows you just how lazy I am. NO motivation whatsoever.

I had about 20 ideas written down for you guys today but I just can't even rant. I could rant about how much I dislike you all, but that would be mean. :)

So for now I have nothing. I'll try to get something written before I go to bed, I feel like you deserve something.

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