Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Okay so people have been getting way too excited about the snow. Here in Missouri we've had three feet of snow fall in two weeks... and honestly it's not as bad as everyone thinks it is...

And before you all start to defend your arguments, hear me out.

Problems with snow:

Frozen, therefore slippery, drivers cannot control their cars.

Light, therefore easily blown about, drivers cannot see.

COLD, difficult to shovel in large quantities.

Good things about snow:

I am a pre-med student, any school days off that I can get I take! (Greedily) Especially when it means that I have three extra days to study for a test :).

The biggest problem that I currently have with snow... is that my nook has died... and there is a book upon it that I wish to read... but I cannot read it, as my nook charger is missing.

I KNOW! I know what you're thinking!

But Morgan! You said you'd never GET an e-reader!

Indeed, that is what I said. However, they are nifty, and I do not have to lug a ton of books around with me when I want to read~

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Monday, January 3, 2011

Dear Person

Now I have been through this already several times. I am going to have to ask you to /stop/ banging on your radiator or digging a hole in your wall as you seem to be doing... or perhaps you are simply choosing to sword fight in the room above me. And YOU neighbor nearby me... please stop opening your creaky door or get some oil and make sure that it doesn't squeak... your squeaking is like nails on the chalkboard of my brain.

I will not accept this.

I must have silence... or something with the semblance of silence... PLEASE!

Also, if you, neighbor in 406, do not get over your cold soon then I will be forced to knock on your door and tell you to either kick the bucket or stay in your kitchen... because otherwise I may rip your tonsils out with my fingernails.

I have just move into my new apartment. And already I am having troubles with the people around me. They don't seem to realize that people live around them!  I suppose that's fine...

Until they start cooking something foul... that smells a little like haggis down the hall from you.

Nothing against haggis-eaters really.

I'm sure I knew a few haggis-eaters.

But honestly I don't want MY apartment to smell like YOUR haggis.

Thanks very much,

Angry Morgan

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

The first day

As I'm sitting in the airport in Mexico, waiting to take the plane back to Kansas City... I started to think about something...

The very first post on this blog was from this airport. Isn't that strange? How often I'm here.

Anyways, I'm working on a couple of new, longer posts. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I'll get some new ones up soon :) I kind of took a break for Thanksgiving.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

People are rude

Now I know I've had one people bashing post today but this is getting ridiculous. Now I'm wondering if people are always this rude.

Now yes, I dislike my generation... But I don't lump all of them together. For all the bad apples there are some good ones.

However, when I'm at Walmart and someone tries to correct me when all I'm doing is making a joke?? Come on now!

Cranky lady and her thanksgiving turkey can't take a joke? Sorry I tried to talk to the cashier. Laughing in my face and telling me that the rising price of food is actually NOT because of the thing I was joking about only proved how much of a sorry life you lead.

I understand that we're in a recession. Christ does America really have that short of an attention span? At least this isn't the recession of the 1970's or (heaven forbid) the 1930's!!!! SO MILK IS A BUCK SEVENTY-FIVE!!!!


God get over yourself you fat old hag. Yes, I'm young and virile, but I'm not stupid! I watch the news! I listen in class! I'm in college!

Don't think that just because you can complain about the price of a Thanksgiving turkey that means that you are suddenly smarter than me?! I can complain about all kinds of things but that doesn't make me smarter than anyone else!!!!!

I can complain about YOU but I don't know anything about you! AND I DON'T CARE TO!

Be polite. Don't complain about my generation when you can't even keep from judging someone just because of a joke.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Fake PPL

Now I know I've already harped on this quite a bit but I can't stress enough JUST how stupid it is for people to use chatspeak in their daily lives.

What brought about this ridiculous bout of anger is a combination of two things... One: Economics professor stated in his information concerning our 10 PAGE RESEARCH PAPER (!!!) that we should use proper English... Should a college professor have to tell anyone that?

How stupid are you that you can't even write a freaking paper without using chatspeak?? It's a formal research paper!! The only thing you should be speaking in is FORMAL ENGLISH!

The second thing that annoyed me is this: I walked past a sign in my hallway that asked what we were glad to be leaving behind now that fall is finished... And someone wrote: ...fake ppl...


YOU are a fake person! Only fake people don't know how to write in proper English! Only FAKE people write like retards!! I know that the education system sucks in the United States but COME ON!!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sick People

I dislike being sick. I used to love being sick, in fact.

It meant I didn't have to go to school and I hated school until college.

Of course the only class I like that I'm currently in right now is my Crime Scene class. The rest of them seem completely pointless to me.

Becoming a doctor exposes me to sick people, and where there are sick people there are sicknesses... meaning that I will eventually get sick.

Hopefully not badly.

Anyways I'm sick right now.

Like the sniffly, sneezy kind of sick. The kind of sick that mucus loves.


My arch enemy. It and I never see eye to it.

It wants to drain out of every orifice of my body. It wants my eyes to water with pressure in my sinuses. It wants me to be miserable every time I shower by dripping all over me.

Mucus and I just aren't friends. If mucus and I met on the street our conversation would go like this:

Mucus: "Hey! What's hangin'?" Then he would laugh and chortle about his stupid, gross joke.

Me: "Go the heck away!" Then I would blow my nose and he would fly away.

That is how I feel.

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Les Miserable (Lay Miz-er-ab)

When you were in college there was always that one kid in your class that you hated more than anyone else.

Be they obnoxiously self satisfied, or just plain obnoxious, they got on your nerves.

That kid is also the kid that likes to interrupt the teacher in order to make a statement that has nothing to do with what you're talking about... it's usually an anecdotal analogy that will most likely start some kind of a back and forth conversation between the professor and this "intelligent person".

You always assume that these people are attempting to boost their self esteem because they are trying to make others look stupid.

It's usually these people, however, that make themselves look stupid, because they don't seem to understand that NO ONE CARES!

No one cares that your grandmother from Russia came to America and then went back and left all of the stuff behind.

No one cares that your uncle is from England.


Unless your story has some tie in to the story, or helps qualify your statement, no one cares about them.

If I say "The conditions were rough in Vietnam." And someone asked me how I knew, I could say. "My dad is a Vietnam vet."

I would not go into some long winded round-about story.

You know those stories, right?

The ones where at the end of the story you wonder what they were talking about before the story started?

Yeah, those are the stories these people come out with.

Of course as I'm saying all this I start to realize that this is exactly what I am doing.

Once you get to the end of this post you will be wondering why you wasted your life reading it...

Maybe that's what I planned... :)

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