Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Okay so people have been getting way too excited about the snow. Here in Missouri we've had three feet of snow fall in two weeks... and honestly it's not as bad as everyone thinks it is...

And before you all start to defend your arguments, hear me out.

Problems with snow:

Frozen, therefore slippery, drivers cannot control their cars.

Light, therefore easily blown about, drivers cannot see.

COLD, difficult to shovel in large quantities.

Good things about snow:

I am a pre-med student, any school days off that I can get I take! (Greedily) Especially when it means that I have three extra days to study for a test :).

The biggest problem that I currently have with snow... is that my nook has died... and there is a book upon it that I wish to read... but I cannot read it, as my nook charger is missing.

I KNOW! I know what you're thinking!

But Morgan! You said you'd never GET an e-reader!

Indeed, that is what I said. However, they are nifty, and I do not have to lug a ton of books around with me when I want to read~

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